
Evolution 2009

Brown Paper Bag Box will be screened at Evolution 2009 as part of Projection Gallery Two

£5 all events
(unless otherwise stated)
Launch Event and Suki Chan’s daily exhibition - no charge

Wednesday 13th May
Interval II - Suki Chan 12-6pm Pavilion Gallery, Holbeck
Launch event 6-8pm Leeds Met Gallery
Lux Two film programme 8.30-10pm Hyde Park Picture Hse

Thursday 14th May
Interval II - Suki Chan 12-6pm Pavilion Gallery, Holbeck
Projection Gallery Two films 4-5.45pm Hyde Park Picture Hse
Workshop Projection for exhibition 3-5.30pm Lumen Screening Lab

BASE - show & tell event 6-8pm Leeds Met Gallery
Baerbel Neubauer animation 6-7.45pm Hyde Park Picture Hse
Lux One film programme 6.30-8pm The Burton Gallery
Projection Gallery One films 8.15-9.45pm Hyde Pk Picture Hse

Friday 15th May
Interval II - Suki Chan 12-6pm Pavilion Gallery, Holbeck
Workshop Recording sound art 3-5.30pm Lumen Screening Lab

Journey - Lily Markiewicz 5.30-6.40pm Leeds Met Gallery
Projection Gallery One films 5.30-7pm The Burton Gallery
Projection Gallery Two films 7-8pm Leeds Met Gallery
(with director’s introduction)

Saturday 16th May
Curators’ discussion panel 1.30-3pm The Burton Gallery
George Barber retrospective 4-5.45pm Hyde Park Picture Hse
Lux Two film programme 6-7.15pm Hyde Park Picture Hse
Avoid - live sonic art evening 7pm-1 Patrick Street Studios

door sales at each event if not sold out
0113 812 5998 Leeds Met Gallery events
0113 343 2777 The Stanley & Audrey Burton Gallery events
0113 275 2045 Hyde Park Picture House (online booking available)
0113 246 9850 Lumen workshops (£25)
0113 245 5570 Avoid sound peformance event (Jumbo Records)

Venue details:
Hyde Park Picture House cinema - 73 Brudenell Road, Leeds LS6
Leeds Met Gallery - Civic Quarter, Leeds LS1
Lumen Screening Lab project space - Unit 34, Barkston House
Croydon Street, Leeds LS11 9RT
Patrick Street Studios - East Street Arts, St. Mary!s Lane, Leeds, LS9
Pavilion Gallery - 7 Saw Mill Yard, Round Foundry, Leeds LS11 7WH
The (Stanley& Audrey) Burton Gallery - University of Leeds, Parkinson
Building, Woodhouse Lane LS2


1 comment:

Ivy Peck said...

Appreciate this blogg post